Baked Eggnog Cheesecake—Prototype 21:
2 cups (16 ounces) lowfat cottage cheese, whipped
4 ounces Neufchatel cheese ("light cream cheese"), softened
5/8 cup (1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons) granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon rum extract
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 cups light eggnog
7 tablespoons (1/2 cup less 1 tablespoon) arrowroot
2 eggs
Place into greased 13" x 9" pan (such as a "Pyrex" glass
type), bake in tub at 300 degrees for 120 minutes, shut oven off, leaving door
slightly ajar, for 60 minutes, remove pan containing cheesecake from tub and
oven and let cool at room temperature for 120 minutes, then (with cheesecake
still in pan) refrigerate.
