Banana HiFi Buddy Bars—Prototype 1:
Let's go bananas with this one! Plan ahead by taking two medium-to-large
sized bananas (enough to make 8 ounces of puree) and let them get ripe. Then
peel and puree them (a blender or food processor is recommended here) just
before using in the recipe that follows:
16 oz. whipped lowfat cottage cheese
6 oz. banana puree
1 tbsp. skim milk
(blend the above three ingredients before adding the next three ones below)
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla (next to last ingredient here!)
8.8 oz. Bran Buds, ground up
6 oz. melted, white chocolate
2 oz. banana puree
1 teaspoon vanilla (last ingredient here!)
Fit all this into a 9" x 9" pan, and chill until firm.

