Chocolate Peanut Butter HiFi Buddy Balls—Prototypes 1 & 2:
For both prototypes, prepare a bowl of the mixture for Chocolate HiFi
Buddy Balls, Prototype 1.
For Prototype 1 of these combination balls, prepare a bowl of the mixture
for Peanut Butter HiFi Buddy Balls, Prototype 1.
For Prototype 2 of these combination balls, prepare a bowl of the mixture
for Peanut Butter HiFi Buddy Balls, Prototype 2.
From the bowls of both of these flavors, take equal amounts from each
one—about one ounce from each mixture is suggested—and roll them together
into a single ball. The result is a somewhat marbled pattern (about a
two-ounce, 1 1/2" size). Repeat this until the bowls are empty. There
will probably be some extra mixture left in one of the bowls after the other
one is empty. Simply take double amounts (such as about two ounces) from the
surplus bowl and form into balls solely in that flavor. The yield should be
close to 4 dozen balls.

