is some information that I put together back around the late 1980's
when I was experimenting with cheesecakes at that time!
Upon resuming my cheesecake baking in more recent, 21st century times—from
the late "two-thousand-and-singles" onward—I have greatly
referenced some notes that I recorded more than a couple of decades earlier. So
I felt that at some point I would take an old file containing this information
and rebuild it into something more presentable for the Internet. I tried to
preserve as much of the original looks as possible. Even the misspellings
were kept.
It is because of those earlier cheesecake experiments that the more recent
prototype numbers for some flavors (e.g., chocolate, plain) start
beyond "1". In such cases, those varieties which I brought into
the 21st century had prior versions back in the 1980's (hence the more recent
prototype numbers are somewhat picking up where their 1980's counterparts left
off). In fact, I should point out that the prototype numbering sequence which I
used in the 1980's differed from what I have been using in the 21st century.
Although I have generally been incrementing prototype numbers separately for
each flavor (whether a "solo" flavor—or a multi-flavor
combination such as chocolate peanut butter) in these more recent times, my
1980's notation utilized only a single, span-all-flavors, incrementing
number, which got bumped up for every different cheesecake recipe that I tried,
no matter what the flavor was. Therefore, that somewhat resembled a "serial"
or "opus" number. If I were to keep that single-numbered system going,
the prototype number would easily be well past 100 at this point.
for the PDF version. (I will probably provide an HTML version soon.)