Chocolate HiFi Buddy Balls—Prototype 1:
The Orange HiFi Buddy Balls turned out to be a great idea. So why not apply this same approach to Prototype 3 of the Chocolate Bran Buddy Bars: Combine the crust and filling mixtures together, and form into balls. The chocolate ones in this particular shape reminded me of chocolate truffles, although that's not what these Buddy Balls are. But warm one up in the microwave, and the result is a still deliciously soft, chocolate texture!
12 oz. semi-sweet chocolate. Heat only until it just becomes fully melted, then mix in...
1/4 cup cocoa powder. Heat this mixture a little more, then blend in, as thoroughly as possible...
1/4 cup skim milk. Heat this mixture a little more, mix it more thoroughly, then gradually combine...
16 oz. lowfat cottage cheese, whipped. Then add...
1 + 1/4 cups sugar. Blend thoroughly, then add...
1 + 1/3 tablespoons vanilla (next to last ingredient here). Blend this in, then finally mix in...
8.8 oz. finely ground Bran Buds. Mix quickly with vigor.

Let resulting mixture sit for at least 5-10 minutes, perhaps even in the refrigerator. Then form into balls. Refrigerate until firm. Makes about 24 (each one close to 1 1/2" in diameter, based upon about 2.1 to 2.2 ounces per ball).
Mmmm (especially when warmed up)! The truffles shape (and additional similar characteristics, at least if these "Buddies" are heated) has caused me to come up with this alternative name: "Bran Buffles" (or "Hifi Buffles", although I like Bran Buffles better, perhaps due to alliteration reasons). Alright, what is "Buffles"?! My mind somehow came up with this by contracting "buddy" with "truffles", and this wording has stuck!
Orange-Chocolate variation:

Replace the 1/4 cup skim milk with 3 ("touch of orange") to 4 ("possibly overwhelming orange") ounces of orange juice concentrate.
I think that 3 ounces of orange juice concentrate is just about the right amount here. These went over very well at the Sports Page.

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